Starting Tuesday, June 2 public masses will be resumed at St. Patrick's and Our Lady's Churches.
However, we can only accomodate 20 people in every mass. Because of this, parishioners are advised to book ahead to attend a Mass. With this, please ring 03 5722 1970 between 9am and 3.30pm Tuesdays to Fridays.
Schedule of Masses
Tuesday 09.00am Our Lady's Church
Wednesday 12.05pm St. Patrick's Church
Thursday 12.05pm St Patrick's Church
Friday 09.00am Our Lady's Church
12.05pm St. Patrick's Church
Saturday 10.00am St. Patrick's Church
Sunday 08.00am St. Patrick's Church
09.00am OurLady's Church
10.30am St. Patrick's Church
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Friday 11.30am - 12.00nn St. Patrick's Church
Saturday 11.30am - 12.00nn St. Patrick's Church
Please be advised that every parishioner is only allowed to book once a week to give chance to others.
Also, following the directives of the Government, we will be imposing strongly the social distancing and each person’s name and phone number will be collected for contact tracing.